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A person can only choose one home for themselves or their loved one, so truly exceptional care is required. That’s exactly what we strive for each and every day at Willett Lodge Nursing Home in Worthing, West Sussex – a specialist environment created specifically to help elderly residents with dementia.

And going above and beyond requires a multi-faceted approach to meet the needs of the rich and layered lives of the individuals who make Willett Lodge the home it is today. There must be tangible benefits, which every person who steps through our doors can see.

With that in mind, here are five benefits that all of our residents can enjoy here at Willett Lodge Nursing Home:

The finest care we can provide

Of course, the key benefit we offer – and the reason people choose to come and stay with us here in Worthing – is the standards of care we provide through our qualified team of staff and nurses. This includes a registered nurse on duty 24 hours a day, alongside healthcare assistants to ensure we can fully meet all the needs of our residents. We also have specialists available wherever they’re required, such as speech and language therapists and mental health professionals, as a couple of examples.

In other words, what we provide is access to all the support our residents could need working in tandem for their needs and to the highest possible standards.

As a specialist in dementia care, we’ve been trusted on many occasions to help people in the local area deal with the nursing needs associated with dementia, including hosting a place for the local Dementia Crisis Service in 2018 alongside mental health professionals.

The highest quality accommodation

Of course, Willett Care Home is not only somewhere people go to receive care. It’s also a place to call home. This is something we take immensely seriously. We put a lot of value on that final part of our name. People coming to stay with us are often leaving homes they have lived in and loved for a very large portion of their lives. With this change comes a fear of a loss of independence, and the stress of this situation can be exacerbated by issues caused by dementia.

And while no care home can claim to fully extinguish the stress that may be caused by such a huge change, ensuring that we have both the best and the most individually tailored accommodation possible can go a long way to alleviate these issues. We strive to provide longer-term happiness and contentment when staying with us.

For instance, every room we offer comes with a flat-screen TV/DVD, Parker baths, fully electric profiling beds with air and pressure mattresses, and temperature controlled water for optimal comfort. And of course, residents are free to bring whatever objects or furniture will help them feel more at home. Our job here is to assist in making this room feel like home at Willett Lodge.

On a practical level too, there’s also an in-room nurse call system and various hoists for easier movement. Safety, comfort, and all the unique things to help each person maintain as much independence as possible is the aim of our accommodation.

A versatile selection of activities

Being a dementia specialist care home means not only can we provide proper care, but that we understand how to design activities with the symptoms of each one of our residents in mind. For instance, we offer picture recognition classes to help improve recollection and encourage the enjoyment of those memories as much as possible. Music and exercise classes also help us strive towards what we’re always aiming for here, which is for everyone who stays with us to live as rich and as full a life as possible.

This is only possible because we craft all activities with the individual requirements, limitations, and abilities of each resident in mind, alongside their personal tastes and preferences. That’s the case whether we’re asking what’s for dinner or what’s the plan this afternoon. Every person who stays with us can be assured that their day will be tailored to them.

Help in reconnecting with loved ones

Dementia can cause a great deal of strain in personal relationships. It’s often the case that loved ones have needed to take on the role of carer, and that can create a very difficult environment for a relationship between loved ones to continue to blossom. A common fear for many is that the move into a care home will cause a greater rift.

Not only does that not need to be the case but quite the opposite. You can visit and spend quality time with your loved one with the focus being on enjoying each other’s company, rather than providing care. We have plenty of areas and activities suitable – for instance, our Secure Garden specifically designed to help our residents enjoy the outdoors safely, the quiet lounge for relaxed socialising, and the TV/dining lounge with all kinds of activities.

Oh, and just so you know, we love a celebration, and always invite friends and families to join us.

Help in getting the care you need

The process of getting started with a care home may initially appear like a momentous task. There are so many financial and logistical factors to consider that it can be off-putting, or even overwhelming at times.

That’s why we provide this guide so you can get help choosing a care home each step of the way. At Willett Lodge, we want to provide you with everything you and your loved ones need to get the care they deserve from the very beginning. If it feels like a long road ahead right now, don’t worry – you’ve already gotten started and there’s so much to look forward to.


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